What you read in this book will, in all likelihood, go directly against what you have been
taught by your parents and your teachers, what you have been told by the churches, the
media and the government, and much of what you, your family and your friends have
always believed. Nonetheless, it is the truth, as you will see if you allow yourself to
consider the issue objectively. Not only is it the truth, it also may be the most important
truth you will ever hear.
More and more people are discovering this truth, but to do so, it is necessary to look past
many preconceived assumptions and deeply
...ingrained superstitions, to set aside one’s
life-long indoctrination, and to examine some new ideas fairly and honestly. If you do
this, you will experience a dramatic change in how you view the world. It will almost
certainly feel uncomfortable at first, but in the long run it will be well worth the effort.
And if enough people choose to see this truth, and embrace it, not only will iShow more