Photographing fighting Starlings from a hide with the OM-1 for stills and the Lumix G9 ii for video.

Starlings are quarrelsome birds who love to fight and I get the chance to photograph them from a hide in Essex. The hide is owened by local photographer Roger Hance who has many excellent fighting shots of these birds. The hide is not a commercial hide and Roger does not rent it out. His website is below. Rogers website is and his Youtube channel is @rogerhance5883 I concentrate my efforts on the fighting shots and use the procapture feature of the OM-1 all day at 50 fps. I take 8780 pictures. Most are rubbish, but I get enough successful images thanks to the wonderful OM-1 and the 150-400mm lens. For the video footage I use the Lumix G9 ii. The AF of this camera in video mode continues to impress me. The best I have used so far. Mike Lane wildlife photography
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