How I Learned To Speak Spanish In A Year - Step by Step Process, Resources, and Personal Advice
Follow my professor Wilmer & message him if you’re interested in learning Spanish
Madrigal’s Magic Key to Spanish :
Short Stories in Spanish for Beginners : =mp_s_a_1_5?crid=3PGRKZ0V2PXPT&keywords=short spanish stories for beginners&qid=1637397257&sprefix=short spanis,aps,164&sr=8-5
@BilingueBlogs üeBlogs
0:00 - 2:58 My background in Spanish and how I got serious
2:58 - 5:35 Months 1-3
5:35 -7:04 Tangible resources in months 1-3
7:04 - 9:59 Months 4-7
9:59 - 11:45 Tangible Resources in months 4-7
11:45 - 17:36 Months 8-12
17:36 - 23:14 Conclusion & Advice