Side Liner, Elvya - Eclipse Elegy (Music For Films, Cinematic, Dark Ambient)

Artist: Side Liner, Elvya Title: Eclipse Elegy Release: Jun 14, 2024 Format: Single Tags: #Cinematic, #MusicforFilms, #Neoclassical, #Ambient Label: Cosmicleaf Records Catalog code: CLCD930DG   In the eerie depths of forgotten realms, Side Liner and Elvya join forces to compose an otherworldly symphony, evoking the chilling essence of cosmic dread. Their collaborative opus plunges listeners into the abyss of a Lovecraftian tale, where dark forces converge under the ominous cloak of an eclipsed sky. Within this sinister melody lies the lament of spectral beings, ensnared in eldritch mysteries that defy comprehension. Tracklist: 001. Side Liner, Elvya - Eclipse Elegy Cover by Cosmicleaf Mastering by Cosmicleaf
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