Boston Light

Виды перевода Перевод текстов АНГЛИЙСКИЙ (ОПРЕДЕЛЕН АВТОМАТИЧЕСКИ) РУССКИЙ НЕМЕЦКИЙ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ РУССКИЙ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ НЕМЕЦКИЙ Исходный текст America’s First Light! Little Brewster Island is a two-acre island is best known as the home of Boston Light, the country’s oldest continually used lighthouse site (1716). Originally financed by a tax of a penny-a-ton on all vessels entering and leaving the harbor, the stone lighthouse was largely destroyed by the British when they evacuated Boston at the close of the Revolutionary War, but was rebuilt in 1783. In 1859, the tower was raised 14 feet to its present height of 102 feet above sea level, enabling its light to flash 27 miles out into the Atlantic. By 1990, the Coast Guard had automated every lighthouse in the United States, with Boston Light scheduled to be last in the process. Preservation groups appealed to Congress and the Coast Guard and funding was appropriated to keep Coast Guard st
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