Ballet Basics for Adults: Battement Tendu | EP 3

🎯 It’s time to master Battement Tendu. Welcome to Ballet Basics for Adults 🩰✨- a FREE 30-day course designed to help you learn the fundamentals of classical ballet and enjoy its numerous benefits! We’re excited to have you join us on this journey to master a simple classical ballet barre and center routine within a month, regardless of your age or experience. 🌟 Download our complimentary Guide-Calendar here: In this video, I’ll teach you how to do a tendu, a fundamental movement in ballet. Tendu is a French term that means “stretched,“ and it involves extending one leg out from the body while keeping it in contact with the floor until only the tip of your toe is touching the ground. It might sound simple, but there’s a bit more to it than just kicking your leg out! 👯‍♀️ We’ll walk you through the steps, including proper posture an
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