Aikido Yoshinkan. Schools and masters - Joe Thambu, 7th dan Aikido.
Джо Тамбу (Joe Thambu) — один из учеников основателя Айкидо Ёсинкан сэнсэя Годзо Сиоды, обладатель 7 дана Айкидо Ёсинкан.
The Aikido Shudokan was the first Yoshinkan style dojo in Australia, founded by Joe Thambu Shihan in 1980, and has schools in Thornbury, Springvale, Fitzroy and Williamstown, teaching men, women and children.
Thambu Shihan first studied Yoshinkan Aikido in Malaysia in 1972 (aged 11) under his uncle Sensei Thamby Rajah, who was himself a student of Gozo Shioda - the founder of
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