Battle of the T-Pattern was a battle that went on for a few days.
K2 in the Verkhn’okam’yans’ke area shows the danger ,close artillery, point blank impacts and intense fighting.
Two Russian assault groups, more than 30 soldiers, attacked the position of the K-2 battalion. Two forest belts converge there, forming an imaginary letter “T“. Eight Ukrainian soldiers accepted an unequal battle. The fight went on all day. This position was lost late in night battle but recaptured in next morning. RIP defenders.
The next day, two Ukrainian tanks with the call signs Falcon and Nomad and an IFV with the call sign Sea of the K2 battalion of the 54th brigade stormed the T-shaped position.
After the tanks attacked the “T-pattern“ position occupied by the enemy, it turned out that there were more enemy infantry in the trenches than expected. According to the prisoner, there were 28 occupiers.
The crew of the T-72 “Sokół“ tank broke through near the trenches. But the tank’s ammunition is very limited. And soon “Sokol“ had only one shot left & did what had to be done which wasnt good for the enemy invaders..
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