“hiiiiiii, here is our dual clip with NEXBIE from ENIGMA STUDIOS , thats why intro’s are remixed together:) its very old project from november -2011 when the song just released ^^ i finished my parts in januart and nexbie finished it some days ago. Enjoy and stay tuned for new stuff |:D|
(sry marvin you’re too lazy :( _)
my parts: 00:00 - 00:05, 00:23 - 00:28, 00:31 - 00:41, 00:47 - 00:55, 01:00 - till end
nexbie’s parts: 00:06 - 00:23, 00:28 - 00:31, 00:41 - 00:47, 00:55 - 00:59
subscribe to my brat-barat rushomo pnzstyle NEXBIE -
Songname: Crown The Empire - Voices