EA in a Nutshell

-This is for buying out some of the best game companies and turning them to mediocrity. -This is for having some of the worst customer service in the gaming industry. -This is for deliberately holding back game content for the sole purpose of making customers pay more for it later as DLC. -This is for strictly enforcing copyrights on content that you did not even create. -This is for taking the Need for Speed franchise and completely ruining it. -This is for supporting the . -This is for overworking your employees with no benefeits, demolishing any creative talent they have. -This is for making terms of use that allow you to backstab your customers any time you see fit. -This is for releasing the same things every year, an increasingly large number being the only difference. -This is for forcing your customers to stay online to even play several games you publish at all. -This is for backstabbing Valve, preventing the developers you publish for from releasing their games v
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