06 - Arunachala Shiva Arunachala Shiva | Radio Sai Bhajans

Lyrics: Arunachala Shiva Arunachala Shiva Arunachala Shiva Aruna Shiva Akshaya Linga Atma Linga Tejomaya Vigraha Linga Ihapara Sukha Dayaka Esha Ihapara Sukha Dayaka Ihapara Sukha Dayaka Sai Ihapara Sukha Dayaka Om Namah Shivaya Shivaya Namah Om Meaning: O Shiva, You are the resident of Arunachala (Tiruvannamalai) and in the form of imperishable Atma Linga - an effulgent symbol of Lord Shiva. O Sai Shiva, the One who bestows peace and happiness in this and the higher world, salutations to Thee. We bow to
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