NextSim 21: POLICE, BUS and TRAM - news about TramSim, The Bus, Trucks, Road Maintenance and more!
Aerosoft NextSim 21: There are some news about TramSim, a big update to The Bus, new impressions of the Road Maintenance Simulator, exciting enhancements for Microsoft Flight Simulator, new insights into the development of Autobahn Police Simulator 3 and Truck Simulation ,of course some new simulations, which the developers present in the Talk at NextSim 21.
NextSim - German stream:
Timestamps to follow after the stream
Steam pages for the games:
►Highway Police Simulator 3:
►TramSim - the streetcar simulator:
►Notruf 112 - the fire department simulator 2:
►The Bus:
All othe
4 years ago 00:00:00 1
NextSim 21: POLICE, BUS and TRAM - news about TramSim, The Bus, Trucks, Road Maintenance and more!
4 years ago 00:00:00 2
NextSim 21: POLIZEI, BUS und TRAM - neues zu TramSim, The Bus, Trucks, Straßenmeisterei und mehr!