Growing up as a benthic baby can be challenging in the deep sea

Growing up on the deep seafloor is a remarkable feat. Being a benthic baby can be challenging in such an expansive home. Just like life on land, animals at the bottom of the ocean have adapted many ways to safeguard their young. From octopuses that shield their eggs until they hatch to snails that make a myriad of elaborate towers, seafloor animals work hard so their babies grow and thrive in their deep-sea community. By doing our part to defend ocean health, we can help ensure they have a safe place to grow up. Learn more about other fascinating animals of the deep: Find out what you can do to help turn the tide on the biggest threats facing the ocean from our partner the Monterey Bay Aquarium: Animals in order of appearance: 0:00 Bubblegum coral (Paragorgia arborea) and yellow Picasso sponge (Staurocalyptus) | 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) | Davidson Seamount 0:07 Aurora rockfish (Sebastes aur
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