Renewal, Wolrd Ranking... 794. Step by step. Photo + video 4k60

Renewal, Wolrd Ranking... 794. Step by step. This project was inspired by the old documentary film produced by David Attenboro. The jungles of Latin America. The gigantic tree fallen by the storm and the triumph of the nature which seeks to conquer the freed niche. The moment when the fall leads to the top renewal. More photo and video! Telegram channel: Timecodes: 00:00 - Introduction 00:07 - Create hardscape 00:58 - Details (photo) 01:19 - Rescape old tank 01:40 - Life of new scape 04:05 - some photo 04:24 - IAPLC 2023 photo Tank: 90x45x45 - Filter: 2x Eheim Classic 600 (2217) - Light: 2x BEAMS F-6 () - CO2: 5l balloon system - Fertilizer: Jebao doser 3.4 WIFI - Optional: no-name skimmer, Twinstar nano Decor: - Dragon wood - Gray Mountain - Different roots, sand and gravel Plants: - Mayaca Sellowiniana - Mayaca Fluviatilis - Hydrocotyle Vertacillata - Rotala Bossii - Hygrophila sp. Araguaia - Staurogyne Repens - Cryptocoryne x-Willisii - Anubias Barteri var. Nana - Micranthemum sp. Monte Carlo - Hemianthus Callitrichoides - Eleocharis Parvula - Eleocharis Acicularis - Proserpinaca Palustris - Hygrophila Pinnatifida - Myriophyllum Elatinoides Mini - Rotala sp. Bonsai - Cryptocoryne Parva - Eriocaulon Father Duster - Bucephalandra Godzilla - Bucephalandra Kedagang long wavy - Bucephalandra Red mini - Taxiphyllum Spiky - Taxiphyllum Flame - Taxiphyllum Barbieri - Vesicularia montagnei Christmas Moss - Moss Fissidens fontanus - Moss - Moss Fissidens sp. Himehouougokе - Moss Riccardia chamedryfolia - Crepidomanes sp.
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