Train crashes into tank-like military vehicle in South Carolina: ‘Like a bomb going off’

A CSX freight train crashed into a massive, tank-like Army artillery vehicle that got stuck on the tracks in South Carolina on Thursday — destroying the $1.5 million weapon on wheels, stunning video shows. Dramatic dashcam footage shows the train slam into the howitzer — a large cannon-like weapon used to fire at long range — that was being carried on a semi-truck in the town of Goose Creek at 6:45 p.m. “It felt like a bomb going off,” witness Sonya Pitt told local station WCSC. “We were shaking inside. Our nerves were just shot.” In the harrowing video, a witness shouts, “No!” and horns can be heard blaring as the train plows into the tank — tossing it into the road and sending metal chucks flying into the air as its gun spins around after the impact. Read more at #southcarolina #train #crash The New York Post is your source for breaking news, news about New Y
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