The Vowel Chart - The 12 Monophthongs in British English | Pronunciation Masterclass

A video about the vowel chart in which you can find the 12 monophthongs (single vowel sounds) of British English. I will explain the horizontal axis showing where in the mouth the sounds i produced (front - back) and the vertical axis showing the position of the tongue (high to low) and showing how open the mouth is. We gover over all of the long and short vowel sounds so you can see exactly where in the chart they are placed and why. As an extra bonus, I also added a slide with the chart and example words for each sound! ** Who noticed I forgot one word in the final slide? The example word for the short vowel sound /ʌ/ was missing from the list and chart ... oops! The missing word is ’fun’. 💛 Please like, share & subscribe! 💛 Video on The Phonemic Chart (vowels, diphthongs & consonants): . Playlist English Sounds: . Playlist English Pronunciation:
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