Elden Ring - All Legendary Weapons Showcase

Elden Ring - All Legendary Weapons and Boss Weapons Showcase #EldenRing #AllBosses #Armors Gameplay Raw footage edited in a synthetic manner for information purposes. All Gameplay played, recorded & edited by me. Colossal Swords - 0:00 Katanas - 1:46 Greatswords - 3:30 Straight Swords - 5:57 Curved Greatswords - 8:20 Curved Swords - 9:50 Great Spears - 11:05 Daggers - 12:03 Heavy Thrust Swords - 12:35 Twinblades - 13:10 Axe & Great Axe - 14:00 Hammers - 15:18 Flails - 16:45 Warhammers - 17:35 Colossal Weapons - 17:55 Spears - 19:30 Halberds - 20:05 Scythes - 21:23 Whips - 21:50 Hand...s - 22:30 Bows & Cannons - 22:50 Staffs & Seals - 24:30 Thrustswords - 27:00 About Meloo: Meloo is a channel that produces Guides, Creative Edits, High Quality Lore Videos, Comparisons & Mods for new video game releases. In my videos I draw parallels and use different editing techniques to deliver my Gameplay in a concise & transformative manner rather than full let’s plays. All Gameplay is my own and is recorded and edited by
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