Город-герой Керчь в фотографиях / Hero-city Kerch in photographs: 1941-1944

Город-герой Керчь в фотографиях 1941-1944 Hero-city Kerch 1941-1944 Музыка: Баллада о Керчи-Музыка: А. Махов Слова: С. Островой. 1975г. Исполняет: Николай Соловьёв, анс. “Мелодия“ Исполнение 1975 г. Music: Ballad of Kerch- Music: A. Makhov Lyrics: S. Ostrovoy. 1975. Performed by: Nikolai Soloviev, ans. “Melody“ Performance of the 1975. Founded 2,600 years ago as an ancient Greek colony, Kerch is considered to be one of the most ancient cities in the Crimea.... Between 1941 - 1944. Kerch was on the front line during the Great Patriotic War and saw heavy fighting between the Soviet Army and the Axis forces. Following intense fighting, the city was taken by the Germans in November 1941. On 31 December 1941 the Soviet 302nd Mountain Rifle Division recaptured the city following a naval landing operation at Kamysh Burun, to the south of the city, five days earlier. In 1942 the Germans occupied the city again. The Red Army lost over 160,000 men, either killed or taken POW at the Battle of the Kerch Peninsula.
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