Soviet Union 1942 ▶ Summer Offensive Fall Blau (2) Battles of Don / Stalingrad Сталинградская битва

129 Soviet Union 1942 ▶ Summer Offensive “Fall Blau“ (2) Battles of Kharkow / Don / Stalingrad Сталинградская битва калмыкские кочевники German History Archive ▶ Part 2: Donbass Донбасс - Kalmyk nomads South of Stalingrad калмыкские кочевники Heeresgruppe Süd / Heeresgruppe B - 6. Armee (Filmed by cameramann Götz Hirt-Reger) The Kalmyks are the only Buddhist and the only Mongolian-speaking people within the geographical borders of Europe. In the course of forced collectivization, the Kalmyks were forced to settle. This abrupt forced settlement initially led to famine; of the neighboring nomadic Kazakh people, between 1.3 and 1.5 million died in 1932/1933. Partly after these experiences, the Kalmyks supported the invading Wehrmacht in World War II and accompanied it on its retreat. The Kalmyk ASSR was dissolved in retaliation for collaboration, and the remaining Kalmyk population was forcibly relocated to Siberia. One third of the deporte
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