Worms: A Space Oddity - Asteroid

well this is a cutcene taken from worms a space oddity. this one is called “asteroid“. how did i do this? well first of all i bought worms a space oddity for the wii (always support your favourite companies). then i dumped it with rawdump. i opened it in trucha signer and then i extracted the videos. the original videos are in the .thp file format (like most gamecube games) so i had to screen capture thpplay while he was playing that video. then i recorded the audio with audacity. the i imported the audio and video in windows movie maker, and i had to speed up the video twice. and then i exported it :p it took me a long while to do that but it’s all worth it :D more to come !!! :) copyrighted by team 17. enjoy !!!
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