Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Original Soundtrack 2 (OST #2) - HD
Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood Original
00:00 Mount Briggs ~Overture~
02:26 Pride
04:21 Envy Revealed
06:20 The Plot Thickens
08:01 Xing Symphony~Overture~
09:31 Anticipation
10:56 Nighmares
12:35 Desolation
14:50 The Fullmetal Alchemist~Legato~
17:16 Nocturne of Amestris~Duet~
18:54 Daylight of Amestris
21:41 Entr’acte
23:08 No Answer
24:31 Crisis in the North
26:06 The Land of Ishvala
27:52 Lapis Philosophorum~Piano