AI Seminar 2021: Chris Ceroici, “Annotation-Free Disease Detection in the Retina“

The AI Seminar is a weekly meeting at the University of Alberta where researchers interested in artificial intelligence (AI) can share their research. Presenters include both local speakers from the University of Alberta and visitors from other institutions. Topics can be related in any way to artificial intelligence, from foundational theoretical work to innovative applications of AI techniques to new fields and problems. Abstract: Retina disease affects over 500 million people worldwide. New methods of treatment as well diagnostics promise to dramatically improve patient outcomes and clinical efficiency over the coming years. A key component to some of these approaches rely on the ability to precisely identify regions of pathology in retina images. A major challenge with disease detection in retina images is the complexity and abundance of disease visual features. Hand annotating these diseases is therefore very time-consuming and laborious. Combined with the fact that retina specialists are some of
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