Battle of the best VST Instrument Piano

Battle of the best VST Instrument Piano (Ivory 1 Vs Ivory 2 Vs Imperfect Samples Fazioli Vs 8Dio 1928 Steinway Legacy ) Index VST Piano Battle 1 - 0:00 Nocturne in C-sharp minor ( VST Ivory 1 Standalone Fazioli ) 2 - 4:02 Nocturne in C-sharp minor ( VST Ivory 2 Fazioli ) 3 - 8:04 Nocturne in C-sharp minor ( VST Imperfect Sample Fazioli ) 4 - 12:09 Chopin Scherzo No. 2 with 8Dio 1928 Steinway Legacy Note that Ivory 1, though dated, is still defending well,
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