Buying Every Cucumber on the Steam Market

Today we are attempting something very stupid. We are going to be buying every cucumber on the steam market for profit!! I know how why and what is going on. Well let me explain. Items can be bought and sold on the steam market these range from weapon skins in csgo to just anime emotes and trading cards. Some of these items on the marketplace can range from £ to thousands of dollars. Today I am attempting some cheeky price manipulation shenanigans as we purchase as many cucumber emotes from the marketplace as possible to artificially inflate the price and then try to sell them at a profit. Now the cucumber will be starting today being worth just 3p but we will be driving it all the way up to £10 using a simple investment. Ultimately this steam market exploit is not going to make you a millionaire but it might let you buy shower with your dad simulator for free. So watch as the spiffing brit exploits the steam summer sale to take advantage of temporarily lower prices to buy up the market
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