I competed at Washington Armwrestling State championship and here what happened

I was asked to be the filler for 8 man round Robin at WA state, $100 buy in, no actual weight cut off, I believe biggest guy was 255, and I was the smallest at 195lbs. I ended up going undefeated in the whole thing , we had minus one competitor, and Wayne Arcenaux got injured before facing me. With that being said I jumped into 205 RH as well since I didn’t have much wear on it. In 205lbs class I ended up losing to Joe Fox rightfully so, and taking 2nd place with that, out of at least 16 ppl. (I seen some posts saying 205 had 20 people but I rather see the bracket) Left hand both of my loses were to Gage Jordan, who won the tournament while also pinning Jordan sill and many others, I could not stop Gages hit inside, so I tried to do it outside in final match, which helped me to stop the match for about a second and watch my arm getting stretched out by Jordan’s wrist lol so 2nd place there as well. Which also not bad considering pulling a week ago at FL state overalls and taking 2nd there as well lol Tha
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