~【さとさくみータピ】グッバイ宣言 踊ってみた【オリジナル振り付け】 - Niconico Video sm38478214

Nico Nico video first participation! Thank you (* ⁰▿⁰ *) I have entered the ranking of Chokaigi’s Super Dance! I would be happy if you support me ♪ (´θ `) 音源本家様-グッバイ宣言/chinozo _ 振り付け一部参考 TikTok □ゆいる□様 MeseMoa.様 _ Choreography. Editing-SATORIO Dance-SATORIO (light blue bob hair) / Sakuratie (dark blue clothes) / Itomi (mint color ponytail) / bubble tea milk tea (blue hoodie) _ Yaho! At the first Lululu, I made a big mistake: (; ゚’ω ゚’): But but It was really fun to be able to shoot while laughing! Actually, I was really happy to dance with the three juniors who report to me □ _ There are still many things that haven’t been reached yet If you feel that it’s okay even a little Comment, like! Thank you m (__) m! YouTubeの方が少し先にはじめました□
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