~【りら】 Sweets Parade 【踊ってみた】 - Niconico Video sm38463046

Nice to meet you 33 times! My name is Rira Perhaps it’s becoming familiar, I’m a person who loves choco pies. Hello. Lotte, please drop a large amount of choco pie on your head. Please be a normal guy. I heard the intro of the happy ending, but it ended earlier than I expected, so I took a picture in a hurry! It was a one-shot shot (laughs) I would be grateful if you could comment! 振付本家様 ( いりぽん先生様 参考振付様 あこ様 撮影編集 どらしま様 (@dorashimacat) ありがとうございました! りら(あいうえお菓子下♪) Twitter: マイリスト:mylist/65588271 りら 03/21/2021 12:00 Views 684
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