National Anthem of Transnistria - “Слэвитэ сэ фий, Нистрене“ (“We sing the praises of Transnistria“)

The Anthem of Transnistria is named We sing the praises of Transnistria (Romanian: Slăvită să fii, Nistrene, Moldovan: Слэвитэ сэ фий, Нистрене, Russian: Мы славим тебя, Приднестровье, Ukrainian: Ми славимо тебе, Придністров’я). The music was written by Boris Alexandrovich Alexandrov, and the lyrics by Boris Parmenov, Nicholas Bozhko and Vitaly Pishenko. The anthem has lyrics in all three official languages of Transnistria: Moldovan, Russian, Ukrainian. They are, however, not all literal translations of one another. The origin of the anthem was from the Russian patriotic song “Long live our Power“ (Да здравствует наша держава), a 1943 composition that was one of the proposed songs to be the anthem of the former Soviet Union. Boris Alexandrov’s composition was however rejected in favor of the one submitted by his father, Alexander Alexandrov.
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