Journey into the power of sounds, the musical work of Thomas Schauffert from 1984 to 2021

Journey into the power of sounds, the musical work of Thomas Schauffert from 1984 to 2021 Thomas Schauffert composed, produced and published around 150 songs in total. Own music label THS-music. Discography summary here… .. Most successful songs as a songwriter or producer (by streams and income): 1. Please take my heart, very successful in Japan. 2. Lost in Timeless Horizons 3. Great friend, by Ladybird 4. Deep Inside 5. Christmas Party in an igloo 6. La joie 7. All that piano 8. Good night Swiss 9. Lounge 20 02 Songs with a story (in chronological order): Christmas Party in an igloo Please take my heart, very successful in Japan
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