What if age is just a state of mind? | Bruce Grierson | TEDxPSU

Why do some people age more slowly than others? The usual suspects are genetic good fortune and lifestyle interventions like diet, sleep and exercise. But one factor that has been vastly overlooked: the thoughts we think. In this talk, social-science writer Bruce Grierson draws on cutting-edge research and the example of a nonagenarian athlete named Olga Kotelko, whose age-defying exploits almost beggar belief. Bruce Grierson was born and raised in Edmonton, Canada, and started on a pre-med stream before switching into the social undergrad, he took a year to clear his head. He planted 50,000 or so evergreen trees in the mosquito-infested wilds of northern Alberta, tended sheep on a farm in Norway, spent time alone on a Greek Island. Somewhere during that year he remembered that what he always wanted to do most was write. Grierson started doing some journalism, which evolved into a specialty in long-form creative nonfiction. His work has been published in The New York Times magazine, Psy
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