1 5 Addicted to screens Part 1 BBCВидео 7-класс книга Wider World 3

[Video 1.5] Unit 1, BBC Culture, Exercises 3 and 4 Addicted to screens, Part 1 How long do you spend online every day? Is this increasing at the moment? And when you’re online, what do you do there – chat with friends, listen to music, watch videos, play games, send messages? Can you do them all at the same time? The internet is transforming our society too. It has a huge impact on culture, politics and business. Now there are ‘screenagers’ who live most of their lives in the virtual world. Some people spend more time online than with their families! And this is the country where people are connected more than anywhere else in the world: South Korea. Here you can access the internet very easily, and it’s really fast. You can download files ten times quicker here than in most countries in the world. Even young children of three to five years old use the internet and spend eight hours a week online. Then there are teenagers using the internet for e
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