This is a mute duplicate. See the documentary on PM1203 - ’Welcome the Queen!’ (reel 1, record b and c) for the complete version.
Sydney. L/S of the harbour showing the Harbour Bridge. Closer shot of the bridge. Various shots of the harbour, welcoming boats, crowds waving, the royal launch arriving. Crowds greet the royal party. C/Us of some of the spectators. Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh are driven away in an open topped car. C/Us of some of the welcoming decorations. Police holds the crowds back. Mounted escort leads the Queen through Sydney. A dog runs alongside the royal car. Crowds wave from the pavements and balconies. The royal party arrives at the Town Hall (?).
Bondi Beach, Sydney. L/S of the beach. Queen Elizabeth II arrives to visit. Crowds cheer and applaud. She and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh watch an exhibition by lifesavers. They parade in swimwear holding large banners. Various teams of male lifeguards. The Queen puts on her sun