Snorkeling Dahab. Red Sea. Egypt. Boat trip excursion to Napoleon Reef. July 2023
00:00 Introduction
00:24 Dahab Harbour
00:36 Views of Happy Life Village Resort
00:54 Vews of Napoleon Reef
01:08 Indo-Pacific sergeant
01:26 Heavybeak parrotfish
01:38 Cigar wrasse
01:49 Views of Napoleon HouseReef
02:14 Cornetfish
02:36 Emperor angelfish
02:47 Snorkeler working
02:58 Napoleon HouseReef
03:26 Red Sea Clownfish
03:42 Red Anthias
04:01 Raccoon butterflyfish
04:12 Cigar wrasse
04:25 Broomtail Wrasse
04:43 Red Sea Bird Wrasse
04:55 Beautiful corals of Napoleon HouseReef
05:23 School o
...f surgeonfish
05:34 Napoleon HouseReef
05:55 Needlefish
06:20 Blue triggerfish
06:31 Giant moray eel
06:46 Red Sea Clownfish
06:57 Bluespotted ribbontail ray
07:22 Indo-Pacific sergeant
07:33 Yellow boxfish
07:56 Napoleon Reef
08:13 Broomtail Wrasse
08:24 Parrotfish
08:45 White-spotted puffer
09:08 Bluecheek butterflyfish
09:19 Bluetail trunkfish
09:38 Napoleon Reef
09:49 Squadron Masked puffer
10:01 Napoleon Reef
10:38 Spotted eagle ray
11:00 Napoleon Reef
11:15 Hawksbill sea turtle
11:38 Vews of Napoleon Reef
12:40 Egyptian dance
Filmed with Canon G7X, Gopro8
Napoleon Reef is best reached by boat or zodiac as it lies around 450 meters away from the beach. This huge madrepore tower is separated by a channel from the half-submerged reef: it comes up from a sandy seabed.
Melts Into Air - Ulrich Schnauss
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