Wolvennest - Swear To Fire

taken from the full length “Temple“ which is going to be released the 5th of March, 2021 as double vinyl record, digipack CD and via the known digital channels. MC will follow later this year. Artwork: Meike Hakkaart Video: David Thelen “While we stayed in the abyss these last months we followed the dark path to the light fearless and confident“... WLVNNST started 2013 by Kirby Michel, Corvus Von Burtle and Marc De Backer. It proposes a compositional process of guitar loops, repetitive beats, synthesizers keys mixed to darkened hypnotic ambient vocal sounds. Wolvennest’s debut album (2016), featuring Der Blutharsch and The Infinite Church Of The Leading Hand members Albin Julius and Marthynna as guests and co-writers of the album, was described as a mix of 70’s Krautrock psychedelic sounds mixed with early 90’s Norwegian Black Metal, the whole unfolding like a swirling movie score. Their second album ’VOID’ (2018) channels a more dark energy with mysterious vibes, and brought the Nest in the most occult
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