Moscow Live360: From Spasskaya Tower past St. Basil’s Cathedral on Vasilievsky Descent | Insta360

Have you been to Moscow? All tourists first of all go to Red Square, the hallmark of which is the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin and St. Basil’s Cathedral. In this video, a short walk in 360° Video mode - just spin your phone around or spin the video with the mouse on your computer. #insta360 #russia360 #RedSquare #nodronenoproblem #lookaround Мои видео показывают всё вокруг в буквальном смысле, ведь я сертифицированный фотограф Google Street и снимаю панорамы 3D. Более 1200 моих 3D-панорам размещены на сервисе Google Street.
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