Russia Is Testing Their New Secret Bomber

Russia Is Testing Their New Secret Bomber The Cold War brought with it new challenges and new ambitions. With satellites and rockets increasingly sent into space during the 50’s and 60’s, the then Soviet Union set out to protect its military interests from threats both on the ground and from low orbit. The fear was that it’s enemies could mount weapons to satellites and they needed to be ready just in case. The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-105 spaceplane in 1976 was supposed to be the Soviet’s answer to this problem – a plane able to take off and enter low earth orbit purely on its own propulsion. To do so, the MiG-105 would need to incorporate features of both aircraft and spacecraft in a strange hybrid build. A successful space plane would be subject to extreme velocities and temperatures upon re-entry so appropriate heat shielding would be required.
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