“Michelle“ harmony breakdown

Hi everybody! Here, for your educational enjoyment, I present to you the individual background harmony parts for The Beatles song “Michelle“ from their “Rubber Soul“ album. If you haven’t already seen it (and heard it), my video of the full song can be found at There are six individual harmony parts. I’ve divided them into three high parts and three low parts. Although there are many similarities between the high and low parts, they are not identical. If you would like to perform this song but only have three backing vocalists, I’d recommend covering the three high parts. If you only have two backing vocalists at your disposal, I’d recommend covering the parts labelled “High 1“ and “High 2“. This video starts with a mix of all six parts. “High 1“ starts at 0:41 “High 2“ starts at 1:23 “High 3“ starts at 2:06 “Low 1“ starts at 2:47 “Low 2“ start
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