ALain Delon - Divine (’Confidiamo in te (We Trust in You) ’ by Melinda Dumitrescu)
Happiness, love and regrets are memories (good & bad) that pictured our life. Alain accompanies us to take a pleasant walk, under this beautiful music by Melinda Dumitrescu, a talented Romanian Violinist
Clips from Alain’s movies, 1962 L’Eclisse, 1967 Les Aventuriers and Le Samouraï.
I happened to find a travel clip to Romania using another beautiful Melinda’s music, amazing! Also love this one@youtube. Grateful but also feel bad to the clip uploader who tried to catch the master’s fingering, mistakenly zoomed in and out causing cracking noises and blocked the microphone starting at 2.0 . 😮 Sorry for being unable to trim them all smoothly though I have cut 1min already but really can’t let these further 35 sec go. (We still have 35 sec mono noises @ resume back @ onwards)... Much alike playing the vinyl with dust here and there. 😅
The song’s title should be ’Confidiamo I
1 view
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