Alain Delon - Hallelujah (Instrumental, violin by Javi Suarez)
Beautiful song. Love and truthfulness are the keys to find one’s real love. Embrace and treasure the love. Movie’s clip: 1958 Christine.
Leonard Cohen wrote this song to everyone and wish all to have love... I like the live performance, the mood as in street jamming, etc (not formal musical hall performance/studio recordings.) Please excuse the talking background, camera noise but maybe in 2 years, with everything goes AI that we would not find this ’live’ anymore....
Happened to find the clip of Javi Suarez, a young Spainish musician played this song with his violin in a wedding occasion. I like this, not professional violinist (you can tell his tight wrist and positioning) but with much dedication, simple but bring with love blessings for the event. This song served its purpose, to be easy that everyone can join anytime or street instrumental jammed, and only such versions pleased us. However recently it has gone extreme it becomes a singing cont