Rachel Fulton Brown on at 12pm - TDI 810 - 9/23/22

Streams 11am Weekdays. Occasionally evenings, IRL events. Clips go here, uploads from streams go to Odysee: @StephenIgnoramus:3 Potentially your favorite almost-daily, current events-observing, culture-analyzing, humor-attempting, political correctness-shunning livestream. On a mission to bring a sense of irreverence to media, culture, news and politics. Join the live chat and come aboard! To help the show please share with a friend or clip a segment you like. All content and support links: [club65636700|*WEEKLY] CONTENT (All Times Eastern)* THE DAILY IGNORAMUS - Weekdays 11am. YouTube, DLive, Twitch, Odysee, Trovo, VK Worship music on Lets Be Frank’s Prayer stream - Mondays at 9pm CORRECT WING WEEKLY (Correct News for Right-Wingers) - Wednesdays at 5pm eastern 5pm on Last American Pubcast GREEN PASTURES CHRISTIAN RADIO - We…
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