Churches are Powerless - Bound by satan

The church has no power, it has lost it’s power. The reason for that is that there is no holiness. Churches have Bible, doctrines, preachers and they are full of sinners. There is no power of deliverance, there is NO HOLINESS, there is NO JESUS, there is NO GOD, THERE IS NO POWER. GOD DOES NOT LIVE AMONGST SINNERS. Churches have opened their doors for the devil, they have compromised with the world, they are like the world they are of the world and GOD IS NOT THERE. That is why there is NO POWER. GOD HAS LEFT THE CHURCH because the church has rejected God. They have a form of godliness but they have denied the power thereof and it is obvious because they have no victory over sin. Are you part of that church? Or have you got victory? Do you cower in the corner or is the power of God in you? Do you have victory over the devil, have you overcome sin? Have you overcome the devil, or are you part of the church that is utterly powerless against satan? If you want to have the power of God in your life you need to repent, turn away from sin and Jesus will deliver you, but then you must be holy and then He will live in you because He lives in a Holy Temple. God does not live with demons and He does not live in the churches. That is why the power of God is not in the churches neither in those that belong to the churches. They are bound by satan and they are overcome by the devil. Are you overcome by the devil? Or are you walking in the victory of Christ? Have you overcome the devil and have you overcome sin? IS THE POWER OF JESUS IN YOUR LIFE? Or are you a slave of satan? Are you a slave of sin or are you a follower of Jesus Christ? May Jesus bless you?
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