The power of YOUR tongue

Life and death, success and failure is in our tongue, in that which we speak. If we speak failure we will fail, but if we speak LIFE, the words of Jesus Christ then we will live. Many people disqualify themselves, they say: “I cannot stop sinning, I cannot succeed, I cannot make it,“ and they will not succeed. If you do not stop sinning and obey Jesus Christ you disqualify yourself for the kingdom of heaven because no sinners will enter the kingdom of God. Man shall not live from bread alone but from every word that proceeds from the mouth of God, IF we BELIEVE and PRACTICE those words. Jesus guides us by His Holy Spirit, He speaks to us, He guides us and we can do all things through Jesus Christ who gives us the power, IF we BELIEVE it and we CONFESS it and we DO it. But if we doubt it and we listen to the devil and we start saying: “I cannot do this, I cannot do that , I cannot stop sinning,“ then you will never succeed. You will fail and you will perish. LISTEN to the Spirit of God, that which He plants inside of you. Confess it and DO it. Practice the words that Jesus Christ plants in you and you will overcome. I can do all things through Jesus Christ who gives me the power. I can overcome. I can do the will of God. I can be pleasing to Jesus Christ. He said:“Be ye perfect like your Father in heaven is perfect.“ I can be perfect by His power that He puts in me. May Jesus bless you. WITNESS FOR JESUS! Free T-shirts available: Bumper stickers: Free downloadable printable gospel tract in Word format, letter size: Fellowship of the saints Meetings held every Wednesday and Sunday night at 9pm EST (-5GMT)
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