Английский язык 10 класс (Урок№8 - Spending money.)

Английский язык 10 класс Урок№8 - Spending money. Spending money What is money? How much money do we need? Where can we get money? All these questions do not have only one correct answer. For example, you can define money as a currency or something you can pay with for something you have just bought. What are your answers to these questions? мы узнаем: новые слова по теме «Подросток и деньги»; мы научимся: рассказывать о том, как можно зарабатывать деньги и на что их тратить; мы сможем: рассказать о своём отношении к деньгам. Money is something that is needed to everybody. From a child to a very old person. We all are in need of money. Some people say that money is root of all evil, others claim that money is only a necessity. Let’s have a look at some words and phrases that can help us to talk about this topic. Borrow money, keen fan, pocket money, earn, to be fair, wages, consumers, retailer, billion, best seller, afford,
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