Mysterious Scottish Pictish Stones | Geometry, Symbolism & a South American Enigma | Megalithomania

An exploration of various standing stone decorated with sophisticated relief carvings, intricate geometry, unique symbolism and a look at the unusual (and speculative) connection to some megalith sites in South America such as Pukara and Tiwanaku. Hugh Newman visits carved stones outdoors, in churchyards and in various museums, highlighting the remarkable skill of the Picts of Northern Scotland who ruled at the same times as the Druids of England and Wales, two thousand years ago. The Picts (Painted Ones), were a confederation of tribal warriors who tattooed their entire bodies. It is thought they originated in Orkney, after arriving from Scythia (Iran and eastern Europe), and then slowly headed south. They carved stunning symbols onto stone and often came together to fight outside enemies. They established themselves in small communities made up of families belonging to a single clan that was presided over by a tribal chief. These clans were known as Caerini, Cornavii, Lugi, Smertae, Decantae, Carnonacae,
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