Painting beautiful hydrangeas in watercolors

Enroll in a free detailed class in my new online school: (look for “hydrangeas“) Also CHECK OUT the list of available tutorials on PATREON (links attached) 1. If you are looking for other pencil sketches/real time videos and tutorials with voiceover please go to: 🌷 (Please note: Not all YT videos become real time videos/Voiceovers. My Patrons have a vote!)) 2. My Online Painting School: (TALKING in ALL CLASSES)🌊 3. My art supplies: 💐 4. Instagram tag me if you followed along my video and are sharing your work: @maria_morjane 🌸 You need to state in the description that you followed along my video or it’s a copy of Maria Raczynska painting. If you are starting your own YouTube Channel please create your own content and do not copy others, copyrights are important. 5. ALL ART SUPPLIES ARE LISTED IN A Video: First 15-30 seconds. Please pause if you nee
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