Have potatoes at home? No Frying! Super Easy and Crispy bubble potato chips! 3 Ingredients

No frying! New creative way! Super crispy bubble potato chips! Only 3 Ingredients! * Ingredients 400g (3 pcs) Potatoes (1/4 tsp) Salt 25g (2 tbsp.) Unsalted butter Bake at 170 ° C (340 ° F) for 45 minutes Important tips. 1. There are 3 smaller potatoes needed, you can also use 2 larger ones 2. If you want to boil the potatoes, it takes about 8 minutes, both steamed and boiled potatoes need to be drained of water. 3. Need to sieve, so the mashed potatoes are very delicate, you can also use a scraper to scrape and press on the board 4. The size of the mashed potatoes I squeeze is about in diameter, not larger than 3cm. There is no hollow inside if it is too large. If the size is too small, then the baking time needs to be adjusted.
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