MAKS Airshow ✈️ СТРИЖИ, Magical Team Aerobatics!!

Truly magical team-aerobatics flight display by the legendary russian aerobatic team ’Strizhi’ (Стрижи - Swifts) performed at MAKS airshow! The formation flight and aerobatic maneuvers performed on such colorfully painted MiG-29 fighter jets are indeed a sight to behold! The pilots execute exquisite formation shape changes in a number of pretty complicated conditions, yet do so very precisely and with a combat-ready, frontline fighter aircraft (not a trainer) which is pretty amazing in and of itself. The demonstration also includes an aggressive and fast-paced solo flight by Dmitriy Kosorukov to round up the show... what a blast! :D Additionally the video has been carefully stabilized in post production to give the viewer the best and smoothest experience, it takes a lot of work to do so but the results are worth it, hope you appreciate the effort, buckle up and get ready for the ride! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Swifts (Russ
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