MXR Power 50 Overdrive

For more than 30 years, the key component of Tom Morello’s raw, hard-hitting sonic voice has been his amp setup. Using MOSFET technology for uncannily accurate performance and big, wicked tones, The MXR Power 50 Overdrive captures the sound and functionality of that setup for use with any rig, whether you have a simple combo amp or a high-end custom stack. For this demonstration given by Tom himself, we hooked up some random amps to a switcher for him to play through a variety of amps famous for having their own distinct voices—a Vox AC30, a Mesa Lonestar, a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe, even his son’s 8“ Fender Frontman 15watt bedroom amp—to show how the Power 50 Overdrive allows Tom to express himself with the same sound and creative freedom that his trusted 80’s Marshall 2205 and 4-12 Peavy cab provide. The results are astonishing. Two identical pedal boards were assembled, one was run as Tom traditionally has done through the effects loop of his Marshall, while the other was run through the send/return jacks
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