Redeeming lives after prison | VISION TALKS

In 1992, Bryan Kelley’s life took a dramatic turn during a dope deal gone wrong. Convicted of murder, Bryan spent 22 years in jail serving a life sentence in the Texas prison system, but found redemption through the Prison Entrepreneurship Program. Now out on parole, Bryan has turned his life around and is helping others who have been in his situation. BRYAN KELLEY is the executive relations manager at the Prison Entrepreneurship Program in Dallas, Texas. This talk was originally presented as “Strong in the Broken Places“ at the AEI Vision Talks in Washington, D.C., on May 16, 2016. To learn more about AEI’s Vision Talks, please visit: Prison Entrepreneurship Program on Twitter: PEPTweets Subscribe to AEI’s YouTube Channel Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter For more information Third-party photos, graphics, and video clips in this video may have been cropped or reframed. Music in this video may have been recut from its original arrangement and timing. In the event this video uses Creative Commons assets: If not noted in the description, titles for Creative Commons assets used in this video can be found at the link provided after each asset. The use of third-party photos, graphics, video clips, and/or music in this video does not constitute an endorsement from the artists and producers licensing those materials. AEI operates independently of any political party and does not take institutional positions on any issues. AEI scholars, fellows, and their guests frequently take positions on policy and other issues. When they do, they speak for themselves and not for AEI or its trustees or other scholars or employees. More information on AEI research integrity can be found here: #news #politics #government #education
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