The liberated Palestinian child prisoner Yasser Za’imieh, who was freed today from Megiddo prison as a result of the prisoner

The liberated Palestinian child prisoner Yasser Za’imieh, who was freed today from “Megiddo“ prison as a result of the prisoner exchange deal stated: “The year I was in prison was difficult. They dealt with us with heavy violence and repression. On October 30th, they beat many prisoners. Prisoners died at their hands. We learned from the news that three prisoners were martyred.“ The interviewer corrected him that six prisoners were martyred. “I didn’t know. There were others, young children, whose heads were split open by the beatings. Young children, 10 and 12 years old, were being beaten. They dealt with us with the most intense violence. “One plate of rice was given to eight prisoners. It was abnormal violence.“ He continued, “Praise be to God, the prisoners in ’Megiddo’ are doing well, but they are going through the most difficult conditions, difficult to the maximum. “Just dry rice. They don’t bring us meat, or fruit, or vitamins, or anything. We just had a mattress sheet and very thin sheets. We wake up cold at night, unable to sleep. We slept for just two or three hours.“ “Since the war started, we faced extremely difficult conditions. The prisoners in general are suffering.“ Источник: RNN Prisoners
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